Location: Liberty Firestation
Cost: Free
Ages: 1 and up.
Our leader set up a visit with the Liberty Fire Station. I must say, this was awesome. This was awesome for everyone. The kids loved it, the fire fighters loved showing off, and I'll admit--the Dad's loved it. And why not? Big ass trucks, ambulances and hanging out with some dudes that do the remarkable.
First off, the fire fighters were not only gracious, but seemed to really enjoy showing the kids around. I think that they got a kick out of it. Of course who wouldn't? "Look around kids, look at how much I kick ass. Yup, that's a huge ax that I actually get to knock crap down with. And this is my big truck. It kicks equal ass."
I'm not afraid to admit it, I had a little bit of a man crush going on.
This was a free activity that we had a really good turn out from and I would love to do it again next year.
The fire fighters started the tour by showing us the trucks and the ambulance. The Leader's kid loved this almost more than anyone because he appears to have an encyclopedic knowledge of firetrucks. This was evident when he started to correct the firefighters. Nothing is quite as cool when your kid tells the firefighter what's up. Where did he get this from?
From his dad, of course.
During the tour the fire fighters showed us an antique fire engine. I asked when was it last in use, because I'm a bit of a history nut. The fire fighter responded by saying the 1950's.
"Nope, that's wrong." I swear to you, those where his exact words. The Leader then went on to explain that they were in use up to the 1970's. Needless to say, this is a family that spends a lot of time studying everything that has to do with firetrucks.
The Fire fighter's were cool though and let the kids climb all around the fire engine and the ambulance, which had to go out on a call when we where there. Very cool, although I suppose not for the people it was going for but the kids loved the sirens.
We ended by giving the fire fighters our phone numbers, ya know, because they are cool.
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